Important - Vaccinations: In line with NHS Highland Direction GP surgeries will no longer be responsible for the delivery of vaccinations and immunisations effective 1st March 2023. If you have any queries regarding child or adult immunisations, please contact the NHS Highland Service Delivery Centre Helpline: 0800 032 0339 open Monday to Friday 9.30am to 5.00pm. For routine immunisations you are requested to wait for an appointment letter before making contact.

Kingussie Medical Practice

Ardvonie Park, Gynack Road, Kingussie, PH21 1ET

Telephone: 01540 661 233

We are currently closed. In an emergency please dial 999. If you don't feel that you can wait until we are open again please call NHS on 111 or visit NHS 111 online at

Clinical Information

Anti-viral treatment for people with a positive COVID test:

Trial participation for the general public 

There are two routes into the trial for potential participants: 

  • Self-referral via the trial website:
  • An approach by trial teams in Health Boards to people with a positive COVID test (list provided daily by Test & Protect) to inform them of the study and undertake the eligibility check and to take consent. Not all Boards will support this route (NHS Highland RD&I are currently evaluating how we can best support the study across our Health Board).

Participant inclusion criteria: 

  • Symptoms attributable to COVID-19 started within the past 5 days and ongoing
  • A positive PCR SARS-CoV-2 test
  • Aged ≥50 years
  • OR aged 18-49 years with a known underlying chronic health condition considered to make them clinically vulnerable.

High-risk patients 

Additionally, there will be limited deployment of the anti-viral treatments to patients that are in the high-risk group (same patients as the vaccine high-risk group). Patients will be informed via letter or email if they are eligible to receive these treatments directly should they test positive.

The first Investigative Medicinal product to be tested is Molnupiravir (Brand name: Lagevrio)

For the high-risk Group patients should be directed to the Health Board single point of contact telephone number. The single point of contact telephone numbers will be published on NHS Inform once services go-live on 16 December 2021.

Other patients requesting to participate in the trial should be referred to the trial website at


Respiratory difficulties:

NHS Highland has created an online Respiratory Resources Hub for patients and carers – to provide easy access to a wide range of useful information from reliable sources.  Just click on this link to explore:

NHS Highland are aware that not everybody has online access, and hope eventually to create a paper-based version of the Respiratory Resource Hub.  In the meantime they have created a double sided information sheet about it, which enables easier access on friends, family or library computers.  Please download here:

Respiratory Resource Hub – Single Page Summary – 15.11.21

Opening Times

  • Monday
    08:30am to 06:00pm
  • Tuesday
    08:30am to 06:00pm
  • Wednesday
    08:30am to 06:00pm
    Extended hours available every other week for pre-booked appointments
  • Thursday
    08:30am to 06:00pm
  • Friday
    08:30am to 06:00pm
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
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